Shoot your way out in Battleborn!

In Battleborn, Game News, Games, PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One by Jacob ObrienLeave a Comment

From the same people who brought us the Boarderlands games is Battleborn! A game where you are the only defense for the last star in the universe. Play as any one of the dozens of heroes with incredible powers and unique abilities. Battleborn will have multiple multiplayer modes, awesome story, and endless hours in battle with your friends! This is the kind of game you were born for! Battleborn will be available on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Also here is a video showing off the character “Deande”      Releases: 5/03/2016 Find the preorder through Gamestop!

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This video and others can be found on Battleborn’s Youtube Channel.

Source(s):, Gearbox Software

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